Don’t just survive – THRIVE
Nourish Your Body
Fuel Your Passion
Feed Your Soul
Those are the three pillars of health I live by and stand for… My ‘Recipe for Success’
Hi Friends! It’s been a long time since I’ve checked in with you about the progress I’ve made on my journey to ‘reinvent myself’. Partly, it’s because I was neck deep in assignments, exams, case studies and co-op hours required to complete my certification as a Holistic Nutritionist. All done! Yay!

… And partly, now that the cap and gown bit is over, I had to figure out how best to use all this amazing new information and knowledge. So, I thought hard (and meditated on it, of course, LOL). And here it is; it’s actually a bunch of new things – one on one consultations, group programs, workshops, cooking classes, a speaker series, workplace wellness seminars, more blog posts… but really it’s all still evolving because we are always changing and growing.
One big step in this reinvention process is what you’re looking at right now baby! My new website!
and thanks SO much for being here
To launch my new website and mark my leap into the world as a Holistic Nutritionist I’m adding this post (part 7) to the ‘REINVENT YOURSELF’ series I created a while back. (Check out part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5 and part 6) I’ve been sharing thoughts and insights from people who have motivated me during this whole process, along with sharing a handful of my own lessons learned from my ‘reinvention’ adventure so far.
Create a Vision
I think it’s key to define a vision that is authentic to who you are, what you stand for and who you hope to be. I started with a simple Bristol board and magazine clippings, cutting and pasting until I basically made a collage of my future life. I still have my vision board on the wall beside me and use it to this day! It still helps me paint a picture of what I want my future career, business and my life in general to look like now and 5 years from now.
‘Aha’ Moments
The process of creating my website was also an incredibly useful tool. It helped me define the three pillars of my holistic health approach, to hone in on the audience I want to speak to, and decide what ‘Events’ and ‘Services’ I want to offer up. Writing my ‘About’ page was the biggest ‘Aha’ moment (thanks Oprah!) because it forced me to encapsulate what Walnut Kitchen is, and what my mission, philosophy and approach is all about. So, in case you are wondering…here goes:

Walnut Kitchen is…
A physical and virtual destination for anyone who wants to optimize their health and longevity to Live Well and Age Better. I hope you will find it to be a trusted resource to help support, nurture and guide you to live your best life – a life full of strength, vitality and optimal health.
My Mission:
To help empower you to take charge of the things in life that are within your control, so you can Live Well and Age Better. That starts with what we put into our bodies – the foundation of what we can control to improve our health. I would love to help you Eat Well to Age Better so you can be physically strong, emotionally grounded and spiritually fulfilled.
My Philosophy:
We can get better with age, especially if we know how to look after ourselves (after all, our cells are constantly regenerating). Food is medicine, but that doesn’t mean it has to taste medicinal. Benjamin Franklin got it right when he said “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”
My Mantra: Nourish Your Body … Fuel Your Passion … Feed Your Soul
Let me explain further, and, I’ll let you know about some exciting stuff I have planned for you to read about in the coming weeks and months.
Nourish Your Body
When you ‘Nourish Your Body’ you energize a strong body and mind to Live Well and Age Better. Upcoming posts include: More great recipes, Medicinal foods I love, Cleanses I’ve tried, Beauty products I love.
Fuel Your Passion
When you ‘Fuel Your Passion’ you tap into your heart to Live Well and Age Better. Upcoming posts include: My gardening and vegetable growing adventures, My training and nutrition regimen for my first EVER (yikes!) marathon in Chicago, Design and style icons I adore.
Feed Your Soul
When you ‘Feed Your Soul’ you manifest an abundant healthy spirit to Live Well and Age Better. Upcoming posts include: Inspirational self-help books I love, Geriatric starlets I am inspired by -starting with 97 year old style icon – Iris Apfel. I’m going to dive deeper into why I adore her in another post, but in the meantime, I leave you with some of her wisdom which I think speaks to the whole process of reinvention at any age;

“If you’re not risking, you’re not living.
It never hurts to take a risk, to try something new.
You only fail if you do not try.” Iris Apfel
Congratulations Michelle! I look forward to reading your upcoming posts. The website looks fabulous! You are an inspiration!
Wow! Kathy thank you so much for checking out my site and for reading my posts. It means so much xxx
Amazing Michelle! You are awesome and so is your brand!
I’m so touched Holly! Thanks a million xxx
I was just going through your website and reading about your journey. I am so happy for you. Like you, I became disillusioned with television and found myself working on programs I would never watch. So, after life through a few curve balls at me I decided to go back to school and got my master’s degree in counseling psychology. 15 years later, I am now retired but still counselling on a part time basis and looking at ways to reinvent myself again. I hope we cross paths again. I really enjoyed your 10 day boot camp and still cooking the dishes from the program. Let me know about any new workshops! Peggy
Peggy thank you! It means so much to me that you took the time and can relate and that you enjoyed the program. I will definitely be in touch when I have another one coming up. Sending hugs