Steer the river. That’s what I used to do…and admittedly, still try to do…but I’m working really hard on doing that a little less. I’m loosening my grip on the paddle to carve my route. Now, I’m trying to surrender myself to where the river takes me.
To mark one year of blogging, I’m doing a series called “Reinvent Yourself” every Monday for the next several weeks (check out part 1 here). I’m sharing some thoughts and insights from people who have motivated ME this past year, along with a handful of my own lessons learned from my adventure so far …like this one:
Trust Your Gut, Follow Your Heart & Let the Universe Guide You
In addition to being washed up on the shores of blogging (and vlogging), I’ve gone back to school to study nutrition. Why? I know this may sound ‘new agey’, but, I felt like the universe was guiding me to do so. I took notice of 4 AMAZING women who were doing things I really loved and admired. I started following cookbook author Sarah Britton on Instagram, I heard Nutritionist Meghan Telpner speak at a conference, I was given Angela Liddon’s “Oh She Glows” cookbook as a gift and I signed up for Marni Wasserman’s plant based cooking class. What all these women had in common is their training at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition. So, I decided to sign up as a part time student! Where it leads, is yet to be determined. But I’m doing it because it FEELS right. That’s it. So, for me at least (and maybe this will help you), if you are looking to REINVENT YOURSELF, step number one is: trust your gut, follow your heart, and let the universe guide you.
That’s my motivational thought for this Monday. Until next week, I leave you with this quote I love from Steve Jobs:
“You can’t connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something: your gut, destiny, life, Karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well-worn path.”
If you wish to read more from this series, check out REINVENT YOURSELF Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, and Part 6
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