Is Oprah right?…Do we all have a Calling?
Oprah ended her daily show by saying, “Everybody has a calling, and your real job in life is to figure out what that is and get about the business of doing it.” Well, I don’t know about you, but I haven’t necessarily figured out what my calling is and I STILL sometimes ask myself, “what do I want to be when I grow up”. I don’t think it all boils down to ONE thing or ONE calling. My ‘reinvention’ feels complicated and is DEFINITELY a work in progress.
Hit the Re-Set Button
What I do believe is that we should all be TRYING to figure it out even when the bumps along the road aren’t so big, because we’re always GROWING and CHANGING along with our circumstances.
YouTuber and vlogger Casey Neistat hit the nail on the head when he said, “In life you should only be doing one of two things; the first is figuring out what it is you love, what your passion is and two, is realizing it. And the truth is – very very few people ever do the first thing. Cuz figuring it out is actually much harder than actually doing it.” If you follow Neistat’s advice, we should all be checking in with ourselves every so often – hitting the re-set button. It’s important to ask ourselves if we are happy and love what we are doing so we are being true to ourselves.

Figure Out What You Love… Easier Said Than Done
Even though I had what seemed like a great job (and it WAS for a very long time), the fact was that I stayed on that treadmill too long because I couldn’t afford the luxury of thinking about whether I still liked it. I think a lot of us find ourselves in that situation; that habit track. Like so many, I was in survival mode juggling my job and family. I lost track of what I was passionate about. So, I decided to look back and tap into the things that made my heart sing when I was in my early 20’s BEFORE I chose a career, had kids and a mortgage.
Start With a Dormant Passion and Fine Tune it
So, if you are still trying to figure out your ‘calling’ and what you want to BE when you grow up (like me), here’s something I’ve been trying out. Connect with your inner younger self. Doing that helped ME get unstuck so I could find the WONDER and MAGIC again in my life. I wrote a list. One big thing stood out. Before I had children, I really LOVED cooking and entertaining. But cooking for fussy kids took the joy away from food. So, step number one was figuring out how I could do something amazing with food. But as I’ve matured, being healthy is ALSO a priority. So, there were my first 2 clues to identifying and rediscovering a passion with a new twist. Maybe it was food, but now it had to have a health component. So, the advice I have for you is – sometimes you don’t have to go far to find what you are looking for. Sometimes it’s right in front of you. Glinda spoke the truth when she told Dorothy “You’ve always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.”
To be continued…until next week.
If you wish to read more from this series, check out REINVENT YOURSELF Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, Part 5 and Part 6.
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I love reading your blog Michelle. It’s very inspiring!
Cheryl you rock! thanks
Enjoying your blog Michelle. I love the kitchen.
Thank you so much!I really appreciate the feedback 🙂
fantastic blog Meesh – what an inspiration you are!
Thank you so much Lucy I really appreciate you taking the time to read it. I love hearing about other people’s reinvention stories -like yours as an example. You are my inspiration!