My mom is a fabulous cook. Growing up in her household, I was spoiled! There was always yummy smells coming from the kitchen and always a tasty meal at our dinner table. Everything was homemade, delicious, and nutritious. To me, food is love and I think it’s because that’s the way my mother expressed ,and still expresses her love to her family. I learned everything I know about cooking from her. I’m so grateful and lucky to have such a wonderful relationship with her and I enjoy preparing meals together with her to this day.

Estelle Kosoy, my mom, was born in Casablanca and came to Canada when she was 17. I thought it would be fitting that the first dish I share of hers should be one that comes from her roots. Her Moroccan “Cumin Carrots” is one of my favourite recipes of all time. I hope she won’t mind me passing it onto you. Enjoy!

2 pounds carrots peeled and sliced into ½ inch coins
6 tbsp olive oil
2 small cloves garlic crushed
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp paprika
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp pepper
3 tbsp white vinegar
¼ cup chopped coriander or parsley
Boil the sliced carrots in salty water until just soft (careful not to overcook). While the carrots are cooking, grind the cumin seeds using a pestle and mortar and add the paprika, salt and pepper. Mix well and set aside. When the carrots are done, drain and set aside. In the same pot, add olive oil and crushed garlic. When lightly browned (careful! garlic burns easily), add the spice mixture and stir. Next, add the cooked carrots, toss so they are fully coated and finally add vinegar and stir. When the carrots are cooled, add chopped coriander or parsley. Voila! We like to eat these carrots at room temperature. Delicious!
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