Years ago, when I was still working at HGTV, we had to come up with a title for a new craft show. This show was going to blow all others out of the water. It would be unlike any craft show because it had edge. (I know, that sounds a little ridiculous). We all wanted to call it “Craft Addict” but alas, the ‘higher ups’ said no because it was too close, they thought, to crack addict. At least now I can put the term “craft addict” to good use! 🙂 But, seriously, I never considered myself to be a ‘crafty’ type of gal. Far from it! But, as you can see, I got a little carried away with these DIY mason jar gifts. I’m thinking they are going to make great treats for Valentine’s Day!

A while back, when I shared my granola recipe, I included a picture of my go-to breakfast cereal in a mason jar. It was all ‘dolled up’ with some fancy paper and bows. To my surprise, some lovely people actually reached out to say they would pay me to make some pretty mason jars to give away as gifts. How unexpected! How strange… because I think it brought out this dormant crafting bug I think I caught! Oh! Oh! Does this mean I will be scrapbooking soon? Help!

So, off I went to Michael’s to stock up on supplies. I entered another world. I went to town on labels, craft paper, jute twine and ribbon. Made a couple batches of cereal, put them all together and was pretty pleased with the end result. What fun! I thought, “Hey, if I can do this, anyone can”.
So, in case you want to see how easy it is to jazz up a jar to make anything more enticing, check out my DIY mason jar demo (below)! Here’s what you’ll need for each mason jar: craft paper cut into an 8”x 8” square, 30” of ribbon and 1 label.

Here’s the links to the print recipe and video demo posts of my breakfast granola. And if you like what you see, please subscribe to my YouTube channel. Enjoy! Happy Crafting!
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If you need a break from blogging and making videos you can always whip up a granola side business haha! 😉
Only if you promise to be my first customer Wendy